The Magna Carta of 1215 A.D. is one of the first documents ever created by a group of people that formally took power away from the King of England. The Magna Carta is still today a symbol of freedom from oppression. It is a blueprint of how the people must fight powerful corrupt leaders driven by selfish pursuits.
I believe that both Republicans and Democrats of the United States want term limits for the Senate and Congress, however the people they elect into these positions never address the fact they are over paid for the amount of work that they do, that they receive federal insurance and huge retirement checks for the rest of their lives, while the vast majority of Americans are living in poverty.
The fact that none of the men and women in the Congress or Senate have not addressed that they need to have a reduction in their pay, that their insurance or their lifelong six-figure retirements paid with tax-payers money needs to end proves that all of these greedy elected officials need to be checked by the people.
Men and Women of the House and Senate are stealing money from the people. Over the past fifty years Congress and Senate have continued to pass laws so that they quickly become multi-millionaires on the tax payers dime. It seems that the only time that elected Republicans and Democrats can reach across the aisle and agree on something is when they are voting to give themselves a raise or increase their insurance and retirements and their political powers somehow.
These greedy bastards need to be checked and set straight by the American people. No more career politicians.
If the President can only be elected to two terms, well then it is only fair that people can only be elected to the House and Senate for two terms. And, when their time in office is finished,their special federal insurance should be finished and they should not receive tax payers money every year for the rest of their lives. They are not the President, they do not deserve that money. Both elected Republicans and Democrats have proven themselves to be equally greedy, power hungry, selfish, career politicians.Lyndsey Graham = Nancy Pelosi
I believe the majority of Americans really dislike either or both of the people above, Lyndsey Graham or Nancy Pelosi. Regardless of your political philosophy, Lyndsey is Nancy and Nancy is Lyndsey. They are the two sides of the same coin. They are the same person and represent the same thing that the majority of Americans have come to despise and that is the career politician. Americans are sick of hearing from these bastards and they both need to go. Term Limits is the only way to "Drain The Swamp" for real this time.Lyndsey Graham has been in power for both impeachments, that is way too long. If you get on YouTube you can listen to both of his speeches concerning the Clinton and Trump impeachments, and you can listen to him hate on Clinton and love on Trump to the point where even a rational Republican will admit he is hypocrite. The same man who threw his "friend" John McCain under the bus to hide in the Trump shadow to protect his own political career. Nancy Pelosi is not any better, she has been in power for so long she went steady with Abraham Lincoln. If there were Term Limits and politicians knew already that their time on the "Hill" was soon coming to an end, people would speak their minds and actually accomplish things for the American people.
Can Congress and Senate vote against their own self interest, for the benefit of the American people? Would the Congress and Senate vote for Term Limits and to cut their pay and to eliminate their life long benefits? As long as Americans keep electing these power hungry, greedy people, they will continue to steal money from the American tax payers and continue to not get anything done, because they are scared to protect their "political careers". Let Lynsey Graham go flip some burgers, let Nancy Pelosi go stock some shelves. American Politicians do not deserve lifelong power and privilege's for the very little work that they actually accomplish.
If South Carolina wants to keep electing conservative Republicans that's fine, but it will be different blood. The same with Nancy and San Francisco. One of the many things that Trump said that he failed to accomplish was to "Drain The Swamp" well, Term Limits and the reduction of salary and benefits would continuously flush the toilet and drain the swamp.
Arkansas, Vote Kyle Graves to Congress only once, give me two years Arkansas to get Term Limits voted on and passed and I will never run for anything ever again. You will never hear from me. I would be running as a Democrat but I would need Republican votes and I believe that I can get them, because I know Republicans want term limits as much as I do. I might be the only Democrat that Republicans might vote for their entire life, so they could say that they were not completely one sided, that they did vote for a Democrat that one time. And, when we get Term Limits passed the people of Arkansas would know that they helped change the direction of the country for the better, forever for all Americans.
Kyle Graves
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