Thursday, December 31, 2020
Desi Sills Was In Hog Heaven Last Night In The Win Against Auburn. Hogs 9-0 Play Missouri Saturday on CBS!
Friday, November 6, 2020
Can You Be A Christian And Not Believe In The Book Of Revelations?
Disclaimer: This article is just my opinionated thoughts based on sections of the Christian Bible that have been a weighing, troublesome burden on my mind and heart. I am not a religious scholar, though I do have a BA in history, I am by no means an expert, I do not claim to be, and I would be incredibly skeptical of anyone who claims that they are. At the same time I would be very interested to listen to what an expert would have to say. I was baptized and brought up in the Methodist sect of Christianity. Catholics consider Methodists to be Catholic- “Light”, all the Christianity with only half the calories or faith. I’m kidding but I believe that the Methodist sect of Christianity has the most liberal doctrine out of every group of people who consider themselves to be Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ and he said that you only need faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains. (Matthew 17:20) With that being said, let me now try and discuss the sensitive Christian subject.
Can You Be A Christian And Consider The Book of Revelation Fiction?
Can you still be a Christian and believe one of the critical books of the faith is 100% fabricated and dreamt up, untrue, false, not fact, not ever going to happen, complete science fiction? I hope to Adonai, Jesus and The Holy Spirit that you can because I am a Christian and I feel strongly that the Book of Revelation is complete horse shit deep down in my heart and soul! Could I be completely wrong? Absolutely. I do not know if I will ever find it but I am in search for the truth and Jesus Christ claimed to be of the truth: John 18:37 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.
So simultaneously, if I am in the search of truth I am also in the search of Jesus Christ. However, I am torn in my simultaneous search for Jesus and the truth when I read the book of Revelation.
Religion is very much like politics, it is filled with individuals varied opinions. If one religious skeptic asked twenty different pastors, priests, “fathers”, rabbis, or various religious studies teacher the meaning of a specific verse in the bible they would all give you a different answer. Another comparison would be a group of painters in an art class who paint a female model. Every artist is painting the same woman but each artist has their own skill set or no skills at all, so each artists’ finished painting will look very different from each other’s. The interpretation of the subject matter varies greatly. The Book of Revelation to me is identical to the writings of Nostradamus.
There are a lot of people around the world who still believe in the prophecies of Nostradamus. I compare the writings of Nostradamus to John(The author of the Book of Revelation) to daily zodiac astrology horoscopes for people. I put them all into one very large, broad, misleading and ultimately false, fake, but entertaining group. For example, first let’s take the zodiac horoscopes. If one is a Jew or a Christian then one should not read the horoscopes or believe in them because it says in the bible to not do so, because it will lead the person astray like Jewish King Saul.
However, to some what come to the aid of the zodiac believers, the three wise men of the bible known as the Magi who followed the star to Bethlehem to behold the newborn Jesus, were Zoroastrians. Iranian zodiac astrologers.
The point I am trying to make, so I am not just discrediting millions of people who follow the zodiac is that “God the creator” will use anyone and everyone to do his will, which is good. To put a Christian spin on it, the zodiac Zoroastrian wise men were lost looking at all of the stars in the universe to guide them, but Adonai focused their attention on one star that night, they stopped what they were doing and followed after the brightest star, which was Jesus Christ.
To me the two stories of King Saul and Magi Wise men in the bible are enough for me not to consider any zodiac horoscope or fortune teller ever again. Why? Because every horoscope is so broad that anyone of any sign could say, “This daily horoscope is describing me.” Each horoscope is so broad anyone could put themselves into the blank space and if something happens, they will attribute it to the very broad horoscope reading when in actuality it is not accurate and the same is true about Nostradamus and The Book of Revelation.
Next, let’s look at Nostradamus. I’ve heard about this mysterious fellow my entire life how he predicted World War II and the September 11th attacks, people swear by Nostradamus exactly like Christians swear by the Book of Revelation, exactly like people who follow the Zodiac. With Nostradamus everything is so vague and broad that the events could be anytime, anywhere. After something catastrophic happens people falsely fill in the blank with broad Nostradamus predictions. If the prophesies of Nostradamus were accurate he would have prevented some catastrophe from taking place from the beginning , like 9/11 or WWII from taking place, not after they had already happened. I hope I am making a little sense to someone out there. If I am wrong, please let me know, because I want the truth. Now, let us look at the “Christian” Book of Revelation. Follow link below. Please read.
Exactly like the zodiac horoscopes and the prophetic writings of Nostradamus, the Book of Revelation is so broad that people have been proclaiming that it is currently happening for thousands of years, going back to the time of the books origins when the Romans destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
In so many ways Nostradamus stole a page out of the Jesus playbook, because Jesus in many ways is very broad, very vague, never specific and the opinionated interpretation of scripture is endless. For example take the book of Matthew Chapter 24:
Jesus did not write any of these books, however Matthew is a part of the four gospels based on the life of Jesus, so I hold the four gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John above all the other books of the New Testament. Even though the Book of Revelation has Jesus in the book, the book is based on a dream, so it is not based on the life and teachings of Jesus. Personally, I have had some crazy, insane dreams, I think everyone on the planet is a little bit mentally unstable, I know I am. One of the reasons why I think Jesus is the best teacher on how to live one’s life, is that he brings you peace. People think that Revelations are teachings of Jesus and they are not, people also take the writings of the Apostle Paul to be the “Word of God” and they are not, do you worship Paul or Jesus? Everything Paul wrote that is in the New Testament needs to be addressed as such, because Paul is not Jesus, so religious teachers in my opinion need to stop quoting Paul like he is Jesus. The vast majority of people who are Christians do not read and behave as zombies, they want to be willingly told what to do, what to believe, how to dress, etc. Preachers and Rabbis for thousands of years have misinterpreted and purposely controlled the “word” of God to manipulate the masses.
Matthew Ch24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
So no man knows when the “End Times” are coming, not even John who wrote Revelations, if anything Jesus contradicts himself in Matthew 24:34 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled .
Jesus cannot be wrong, right? Where would our religion be? Our Lord and savior could never be erroneous or incorrect, so we must have misinterpreted what Jesus was saying, right? Well, maybe Jesus was just plan wrong. “Sorry, Jesus but you got this one wrong.” It has been two thousand years since that generation Jesus was talking about has indeed passed away and nothing has happened but yet millions of Christians fearfully and terrifyingly believe that “End Time” Scriptures are being fulfilled. “The End Times is near.” In fact, Christians want the “End Times” to happen because they think Jesus will come back on a white horse, like Gandolf on Shadowfax style. (Lord of The Rings book reference.)
Just last night, for the past month I have been going to a Catholic church for a bible study, because I enjoy religious studies. I try to go where Jesus leads me, Jesus said, Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” The meaning is that a yoke is like a harness used for an oxen or horse to pull a plow, so if you yoke yourself to Jesus, he will pull you to where he wants you to go. So, when my co-worker leaned out of his cubicle at the office and asked if I would be interested in this bible study at his church, I accepted this invitation as taking a step in faith, trying to yoke myself to Jesus and mean it.
However, last night one of the Catholic teachers in the class went off about the End Times, possibly because of the world’s current situation with Covid 19 and the 2020 Presidential Election. Since I am on the subject of politics real quick I think it is very ironic, hypocritical and hilarious that “Christians” think the end times are near and scriptures are being fulfilled whenever their chosen party’s political candidate loses the Presidential election. Think about just how retarded it is. Remember when Obama was elected in 08? Well, the conservatives do because that was the day their world came to an end, that the Muslim anti-Christ revelation prophesies were being fulfilled. Remember when Trump was elected in 16? Well, the liberals do because that was the day that the Hitler anti-Christ revelation prophesies were being fulfilled.
My favorite televangelist is Dr. Charles Stanley with In Touch Ministries, hundreds of his sermons are on YouTube I encourage everyone who reads this to listen to him, listening to him has helped me grow in my relationship with Jesus. I have heard him say over the years many times, things like, “God we believe every word from Genesis to Revelation” and every time I hear him say it, my head twitches to the side a little bit, because I just do not believe in Revelation. The book is not based on the life and teachings of Jesus, I do consider it one of the earliest works in the Science Fiction genre and I encourage everyone to read it, because it is fascinating and at the very least it is entertaining. The book of Revelation is the most quoted book I have heard people quote and talk about in my lifetime, which is scary to me considering I think it is the least book of ranked importance in the bible and belongs at the very bottom, with the four gospels of Jesus to be at the top. In the case of the bible, the best is not saved for last. If anything the book of Revelations could be used by powerful elites to manipulate the retarded masses who blindly believe and attentively listen to any nonsense associated with it that might “reveal the real truth and fulfill the fictional prophesy.” Exactly like Nostradamus.
Please do not be a zombie. Just nodding. Do not let anyone urinate on your head and tell you that it is raining. Someone might tell me that I am wrong, that I cannot be a Christian and not believe in the Book of Revelation. Feelings can be misleading and lead you astray, so my feelings that the book of Revelation is complete science fiction, not true, might be wrong, I accept that. I am in search of the truth, in many ways I believe that Jesus is the truth. In my search of truth, I am searching for Jesus. When I think that something is wrong, when I hear or read something that I feel is a lie, when I see the majority of people I know think it is the truth. I cannot just sit back and nod like a zombie, until I am proven wrong, in my search I cannot settle for anything less than the truth. John the Revelator who wrote Revelation, is not Jesus. Paul the Apostle is not Jesus. Their writings in my opinion should never have been from the beginning be in the same book as the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
I am writing this at the old age of 35. I did not think I would live this long but I am still hear, I hope for a reason. I am trying my best to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, to humbly surrender to him. As I have yoked myself to him, I am trying to become aware of him pulling me in certain directions and go where he is leading me, to fulfill his purpose for my life. If there was a book in the bible about my life, the Book of Kyle, I want it to be something good and inspiring that God did through me to bring glory and attention to Adonai, his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I have no idea what that is, maybe this article is it? If you have read this much of the article, just know that you are not alone, we are both in the same boat. Keep living with the peace and love of Jesus Christ in your heart. Keep Walking. Like Daniel in the Lion’s Den, we have to focus on God and not on the Lions around us lying.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Chuck Norris’s Blood May Be The Coronavirus Vaccine
Paint Creek, Texas- Local “Scientists” confirm after observing Chuck Norris drink 32 ounces of Coronavirus that the key to developing a vaccine may be within his bloodstream.
Apparently, the Coronavirus itself went into quarantine after coming into contact with Mr. Norris at his 80th birthday party,” sources” report.
Human trials will soon be underway if Mr. Norris complies that is. In the past Mr. Norris has been very reluctant to assist scientists with potential medical breakthroughs with the study of his DNA. In a 2006 study Texas “Scientists” revealed that special minerals and antibodies within Chuck Norris’s tears may indeed cure cancer, but the study came to an abrupt end when Mr. Norris refused to cry.
“No.” he said, as he ripped the sleeves off of his blue jean jacket and reportedly disappeared into a nearby forest.
Hopefully, with this present study Mr. Norris will come to understand that he is the best chance for a vaccine and perhaps the only source of immunity to the Coronavirus. Time is of the essence and with Mr. Norris’s consent human trials could be underway as soon as yesterday.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
New Magna Carta: Term Limits For US House & Senate

The Magna Carta of 1215 A.D. is one of the first documents ever created by a group of people that formally took power away from the King of England. The Magna Carta is still today a symbol of freedom from oppression. It is a blueprint of how the people must fight powerful corrupt leaders driven by selfish pursuits.
I believe that both Republicans and Democrats of the United States want term limits for the Senate and Congress, however the people they elect into these positions never address the fact they are over paid for the amount of work that they do, that they receive federal insurance and huge retirement checks for the rest of their lives, while the vast majority of Americans are living in poverty.
The fact that none of the men and women in the Congress or Senate have not addressed that they need to have a reduction in their pay, that their insurance or their lifelong six-figure retirements paid with tax-payers money needs to end proves that all of these greedy elected officials need to be checked by the people.
Men and Women of the House and Senate are stealing money from the people. Over the past fifty years Congress and Senate have continued to pass laws so that they quickly become multi-millionaires on the tax payers dime. It seems that the only time that elected Republicans and Democrats can reach across the aisle and agree on something is when they are voting to give themselves a raise or increase their insurance and retirements and their political powers somehow.
These greedy bastards need to be checked and set straight by the American people. No more career politicians.
If the President can only be elected to two terms, well then it is only fair that people can only be elected to the House and Senate for two terms. And, when their time in office is finished,their special federal insurance should be finished and they should not receive tax payers money every year for the rest of their lives. They are not the President, they do not deserve that money. Both elected Republicans and Democrats have proven themselves to be equally greedy, power hungry, selfish, career politicians.Lyndsey Graham = Nancy Pelosi
I believe the majority of Americans really dislike either or both of the people above, Lyndsey Graham or Nancy Pelosi. Regardless of your political philosophy, Lyndsey is Nancy and Nancy is Lyndsey. They are the two sides of the same coin. They are the same person and represent the same thing that the majority of Americans have come to despise and that is the career politician. Americans are sick of hearing from these bastards and they both need to go. Term Limits is the only way to "Drain The Swamp" for real this time.Lyndsey Graham has been in power for both impeachments, that is way too long. If you get on YouTube you can listen to both of his speeches concerning the Clinton and Trump impeachments, and you can listen to him hate on Clinton and love on Trump to the point where even a rational Republican will admit he is hypocrite. The same man who threw his "friend" John McCain under the bus to hide in the Trump shadow to protect his own political career. Nancy Pelosi is not any better, she has been in power for so long she went steady with Abraham Lincoln. If there were Term Limits and politicians knew already that their time on the "Hill" was soon coming to an end, people would speak their minds and actually accomplish things for the American people.
Can Congress and Senate vote against their own self interest, for the benefit of the American people? Would the Congress and Senate vote for Term Limits and to cut their pay and to eliminate their life long benefits? As long as Americans keep electing these power hungry, greedy people, they will continue to steal money from the American tax payers and continue to not get anything done, because they are scared to protect their "political careers". Let Lynsey Graham go flip some burgers, let Nancy Pelosi go stock some shelves. American Politicians do not deserve lifelong power and privilege's for the very little work that they actually accomplish.
If South Carolina wants to keep electing conservative Republicans that's fine, but it will be different blood. The same with Nancy and San Francisco. One of the many things that Trump said that he failed to accomplish was to "Drain The Swamp" well, Term Limits and the reduction of salary and benefits would continuously flush the toilet and drain the swamp.
Arkansas, Vote Kyle Graves to Congress only once, give me two years Arkansas to get Term Limits voted on and passed and I will never run for anything ever again. You will never hear from me. I would be running as a Democrat but I would need Republican votes and I believe that I can get them, because I know Republicans want term limits as much as I do. I might be the only Democrat that Republicans might vote for their entire life, so they could say that they were not completely one sided, that they did vote for a Democrat that one time. And, when we get Term Limits passed the people of Arkansas would know that they helped change the direction of the country for the better, forever for all Americans.
Kyle Graves
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Marcus Aurelius Predicts Coronavirus In 2000 Year Old "Nature's Government" Text
Marcus Aurelius Warns of Coronavirus In 2000 Year Old Meditations Text In Book X. Verse 5 of Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations Book he writes,
“ Whatever happens to you was pre-ordained your lot from the first and that chain of causes which constitutes fate, tied your person and the event together from all eternity.”
Marcus being a student of Stoic Philosophy states that all of creation within the universe are equal citizens of “NATURE’S GOVENRMENT.” He wrote in Book X Verse 6.
“Whether atoms or nature rule the world I lay it down in the first place that I am part of that whole which is all under Nature’s Government. Secondly, I am in some measure related to those beings which are of my own order and species.”
Book X v.7- “All the parts of the whole that lie within the compass of the universe must of necessity corrupt and decay, by corruption I mean only alteration. Now, if this be an evil and a necessary one, by consequence the whole of nature be in a bad condition.”- Marcus Aurelius
So to this writer, Marcus is saying that everything in the universe is related(X.v.6) and a subject of “Nature’s Government” and in this writers opinion mankind has polluted and infected the nature of the planet to the point that the planet has polluted the nature of mankind. Marcus Aurelius goes on to state in Book X. 7 again above, that this alteration in nature, represented today with the Corona virus is a necessary one, by consequence the whole of nature must be in a bad condition.
In a month this virus has spread from China to Arkansas, USA. The NBA and the SEC Tournament has been cancelled due to the national threat of the virus spreading in crowds. Schools have been closed, which means people with young kids will have to take off work, if they don’t have the sick leave, will they be able to still have a job if they have to stay home for a month? If state governments shut down will workers have to use their sick leave and still get paid? In my other jobs, if you did not work, you don’t get paid. Americans are oblivious to the realities of poverty and sickness the majority of our fellow earthly brothers and sisters struggle with on a daily basis. America is going to be okay, Corona is a small cold compared to the Spanish Flu after World War 1 but the planet is telling us something is wrong. Whether this virus is natural or man made, regardless, it has gotten out of hand. Food testing and regulation must be done in China to the standard of the West to help prevent future sicknesses. From reports that I have read this virus has been traced to a sea food market in China. People in the East eat strange animals untested for diseases that Americans would never touch, partly because of culture, and partly because Americans are so spoiled that we have gotten used to our steady diet of beef, chicken and pork, whereas the majority of the world is not so privileged as we. In the 21st century, modern planet Earth has proven to be a small place. Perhaps some good can come from this virus, that we need to get right, to focus more on nature like Marcus Aurelius and the ancient stoic philosophers suggested. To be continued…
Monday, March 9, 2020
Why So Silent Tom Cotton?- Term Limits Would Automatically Drain The Swamp
Politicians are a lot like surfers. When their party is in power/control, they ride the wave, mostly in silence. It is not until the wave dies and they are back dead in the water, that you see and hear them yelling and splashing around. We see it with the Democrats now because there is a Republican President but it was only a few years ago when it was the Republicans screaming and hollering. That’s when you heard Tom Cotton, Senator from Arkansas, talking big against the political opposition, it even went as far as the Republican Convention, Tom Cotton walked out when Trump received the Republican nomination. He was furious, irate, how could the Republican party nominate such a candidate? Why so silent now Tom Cotton, especially now, since your opposition is the head of your party? Well, at least he is a Republican, am I right? If you can't beat him, join him.
Is it just normal for the underlings of the party in charge to silently and obediently get in line behind their leader, no matter if they disagree with everything that person stands for? The Republican bottom feeders have their heads so far up President Trump’s ass right now Tom Cotton could tell you what Trump had for breakfast. The Democrat bottom feeders are no different, when Obama was Commander In Chief, he could do no wrong in their eyes. “Obama, did you have hot links and Cheetos for lunch and wash it down with a cold Mountain Dew?” “ I sure did Joe.”
Look at the Trump impeachment vote in the House and Senate, look how polar opposite the party line votes were, with the Democrats voting “Yes” for impeachment with practically all the Republicans voting “No”. There had to have been several Democrats who thought internally, “No way this will fly. There is not enough evidence to impeach the President, this is a waste of time.” Some had to have thought it, but none of them said it, loud enough to where everyone heard. How can anyone be surprised that the vast majority of Republicans did not vote “Yes” for impeachment, when none of the Democrats voted “No”? Why has the moderate voice disappeared from both parties? When was the last time politicians voted against giving themselves a raise or voting for decreasing their wages? I guarantee that America would have heard a lot more Republican criticism of Trump, if they had nothing to lose. If the bottom feeders could not become career politicians, America would have a lot more honesty in office.
Trump campaigned on draining the political swamp and then he just added to it, so far I believe five of his associates have been arrested, with Roger Stone being the most recent. Did this not disturb any Republican? The swamp would naturally drain if politicians could only be elected one time. If that state or district wanted to keep electing Republicans so be it but the current of politics would be constant and would never become stagnant for so long to form a swamp. Tom Cotton, why are you so silent? Tom and the Republicans are surfing that wave, riding high in silence but just like a sin wave, what goes up must come down. Then finally, America will see a Republican who may or may not be running for president criticize Trump's leadership constructively, America will be like where have you been for the last eight years of Trump? One man’s Obama is another man’s Trump and the Democrats are getting a taste of what Republicans were eating for eight years with Obama. After Trump, is America going to realize that this polarization of politics just maybe, might not be healthy?
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Is Mason Jones Already The SEC Player of The Year?
Is Mason Jones Already The SEC Player of The Year?
Did you watch the Mason Jones show last night on the SEC Network? If you did not, let me sum up his performance in the words of former Razorback football coach Houston Dale Nutt, “He’s Special.”
To this writer Jones’ style of play is a blend of multiple players. He has a Glen Rice release, a James Harden step back, a Tony Parker floater and with the passing of Kobe Bryant last month Jones has done a very good Kobe Bryant impersonation for the Razorbacks. Jones is playing like Jordan and Isaiah Joe has stepped into the role of Pippen this year for the Hogs, I have seen him make every type of shot this year except for two. I have yet to see him make a Kareem hook shot or a Jordan mid-range, shoulder shrug, post-up, fade away jump shot but other than the two most iconic shots from the games best players at the professional level Mason Jones can do it all.
Mason Jones is a rock star, if you squint your eyes you would swear that was the rapper “50 Cent” Curtis Jackson out on the court for the Hogs. “I don’t know what you heard about me, but I’m about to shoot for thirty…” P.I.M.P by 50 Cent should be his theme song and if he keeps playing at this professional level for the Hogs for the rest of the season, Jones will be making some big money in the NBA next year. To this point in the 2020 season Jones leads the SEC with seven thirty-point games, several of those big games were close losses for the Hogs. Hopefully, the Hogs can squeak into the NCAA tournament this year, regardless Jones has had an incredible year but if the Hogs do not go to the NCAA Tournament will the SEC still make Jones the Player of The Year? Can the SEC give their highest individual award to a player whose team does not make it to the NCAA tournament? My guess is probably not.
The verdict for Musselman is still out, can he be the coach that takes Arkansas back to the promised land? I’m still torn over the firing of Anderson when he never had a losing season. I have been asking myself a question that I do not think I will ever be able to get the answer to and that is, would Mason Jones be playing this well for Mike Anderson? Has Musselman brought something out of Jones to help elevate his game to its current state or would he have been this good no matter who was standing on the sidelines? -kg